Monday, September 15, 2008

A Question of Honor

For a candidate like McCain, who cannot run on his recent voting record nor on the issues, running on personality and character is about the only way to go. Over and over, he and his surrogates have stated that he is a man of honor and integrity. However, his actions contradict those words. The level of distortion and lying within his campaign have reached the level where even Karl Rove has said that McCain's ads do not pass the truth test. When you have Karl Rove questioning the truthfulness of your ads, something ain't right. As someone who is tired of the bald-faced lies being presented over and over again as the truth, I am glad that the Obama campaign is finally hitting back - and with the truth.

And follow up that one, the DNC has a new site, Count the Lies, designed to track the number of times the media calls out McCain and Palin on their lies (which, up until the ladies from The View took up the call, hasn't been very frequent).

I expect that website to get very large.

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