Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh, for pity's sake!

You know, I thought it was bad enough when stores started putting out Christmas stuff before the Thanksgiving turkeys were in the grocery stores. Something about jumping the gun and wearing out a welcome. But this - this is much worse.

President-elect Obama has not even dropped the "elect" part of the title and Republicans are already jockeying for position for the 2012 race.

I think I'm going to be sick.

Sarah Palin, who I was really, sincerely hoping would just slink back to Alaska in her RNC duds with the First Dude, will not GO AWAY!! Sarah, honey, the election is over. You LOST. Stop torturing the lower 48 with your idiocies and put-upon folksiness, will ya? I am tired of going to and seeing your face and your name there. Especially when it for something really lame, like having a photo-op at a Turkey Farm. Go track some moose or some, will you? Sheesh!

Then, there is all the talk about Louisiana Governor Boby Jindal. Ok, ok, I have to make some things clear at the outset. One, I am a proud Louisiana girl, though I am quite happy to be displaced from my state of birth. Second, I happened to grow up in the same neighborhood with Gov. Jindal and my older brother was friends and classmates with him; from what little contact I had with Jindal, he seemed to be a decent guy. Hey, he remembered my brother when I happened to meet Jindal on a plane a couple of years ago. So, I have no real enmity towards the man. At least personally. Political enmity is another matter all together. While I am, in fact, the same ethnicity as Bobby Jindal, I disagree strongly with many of his political and ideological views. Just because someone happens to be brown does not mean they are like me. The man is extremely well educated, but I wonder how that meshes with his self-professed belief in intelligent design. And, as my mother pointed out, the man has yet to finish out an office before making a run for his next one. Things that give me pause to ponder.

At any rate, I for one, would like a break from the election-mania (even if I am in withdrawal from it, in some ways). Can we please let Obama officially become the president before we start trying to defeat him? Please?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh, Miss Manners??

So, I have a question in regards to etiquette. When does it become unseemly to continue sporting the bumper sticker of the winning presidential candidate? It's not that I am not still thrilled to pieces that Obama won, it's just that I am wondering whether it might be considered, oh, I don't know, sort of like rubbing it in to still have the Obama bumper sticker on my cars. I mean, the number of McCain/Palin stickers dropped considerably by the morning after Election Day (though I'd like to think that was because those individuals saw the folly of their ways). We took the yard sign down last weekend, as neighborhood covenants gave clear guidelines for that. But what about the car? Is there a point at which you shouldn't have the sticker on your car anymore, sort of like not wearing white shoes after Labor Day? Or is it strictly left up to individual interpretation?

Where's Miss Manners when you need her?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mutts Unite!

*aside* Yes, I know its been 3 weeks since my last post...between LKNM Trunk or Treat and then canvassing/phone banking/beating my head against walls about the election, I haven't had much time to post. But that's over now, and I'm back...

Can I just say, I already *heart* soon-to-be President Obama? Forget all of the policy that I agree with him, the stances on issues, and the fact that he didn't choose a dimwit like Sarah Palin for a running mate. I think I would *heart* him for this comment alone, which he made at his press conference today in discussing what kind of dog would be coming with the Obama family to the White House: "There are a number of breeds that are hypoallergenic, but on the other hand our preference is to get a shelter dog, but obviously, a lot of the shelter dogs are mutts like me."

As the proud owner of a canine mutt who also happens to be the proud mother of human mutt, I love the fact that Obama referred to himself as a mutt. It warmed the barren cockles of my stone heart...